ppl used 2 say tat leadin a lyf is lik a journey which is quite precarious! i go wit dis fact.. i ve felt the real gratification of ma lyf journey durin the days i spent in sastra.. befor start wit, wanna tel yu hw i joined sastra.. wen i finished skoolin, i was thinkin 2 join medicine or some othr eng inst n i neva thot of joinin sastra... but ma mom wanted me 2 be a sastrite.. so, by shroudin al ma dreams n hopes, i opted 2 dis inst so called sastra as a dayscholar...
rather than 16.08.88 (dis creature down 2 earth LOL!) , 11.07.05 is the most empyreal day in ma lyf.. the day i stepped into dis blessed coll(whic i neva kno at tat time).. the very 1st day i went 2 class (late asusual:-)) n sat in the bench without ny xpectations since it seemed dere were many studious n nerdy ppl around.. the day went as i thot fulla boredom:( tat eve i returned home n told ma mom tat she has broken ma wondrous dreamscape n fought wit her...
days passed on wit a radical change..beyond the intros, ppl started movin closer 2 me n i got ma own circle of frnds:) don wanna discriminate nyone:) warmth of frndship incepted wit sharin n fun..tats the time wen i started realisin tat wat ma mom did was almost rite..
the raggin xperiances i had in ma coll bus even make me 2 lie in laughter wen i think over now:) v ve commited wit the heritage of coll lyf so called class bunks... bunkin n goin 4 a movie bcame a quite usal n delectable thin in the 1st sem itself:)
months passed n v bcame the seniors...the atmosphere changed n begot some sorta guts within us.. intrepidly sastra bcame a perfect dainty place which divulged ma joys, fun, prattles, exults, woes n tons of such kinda things...to be unfeigned, the things revealed tat sastra is ultimately a celestial environment 2 frisk which v dint kno at tat time..vdv 306,105,ctv 107,106...n finally 103..gettin snarled..? dis s the lista ma class rooms wher i benched dese four yrs:) source of un4gettable memories:) i neva laughed lik nythin r cried lik nythin even b4 or after these sastra days..
may be, i agree tat bein a dayscholar i mite ve misd the preciosity of coll lyf which dint purvey me the pleasure of bein a hosteller.. nyways sastra fed me wit buncha intense, deep n gr8 things whic wud definitely be useful 4 ma salubrious career... n no sastrite can able 4get dis paean "sastraaaaah sastraa!" am i rite...? :) specially in times of KS (kuruksastra):) n the things goes on if i keep on describin sastra..includin our farewel celebrations n parties wit lotta fun n njoyments:)
finally a day came 25-05-09 wen v wrote our final xam..after the xam i came outta the gate n turned back.. ma eyes were almost wet n wit no words in lips i boarded into bus n returned home..n hugged ma mom n thanked her 4 makin ma coll lyf so worthy n memorable...nyways gonna miss everythin now..frnds 're gettin outta contact gradually..nyways dis voracious place is no more be a veracious one 4 us :( everythin gettn dynamic in life now.. the oly thin i can tel now is "gud bye sastra" :( :( n proud 2 be a sastrite!!
wit luv,