LOVE ??!! Is this a questionary or an exclamatory thing? Bewildered? Yes. Not you and me. Of course, everyone down to earth are traversing their lives on getting to know about this rhetoric thing!!
L.O.V.E --> Lethargic Over-dued Venture of Existence !!
Can you make sense out of it? Never. You can't. Love is such a senseless happening in your life
LOVE is just like an acronym which fits into numerous expansions just like WHO which stands for "World Health Organisation". But "the expansions" I mean here is the way people consider or have it in their own means to live it. You can fit whatever expansions you like to fit into this acronym which ultimately frames the crux of your life.
I just wanted to narrate about my perspective of this super natural thing so called "LOVE".
There is something called craziness which exists in everyone of us.If you have a scale to measure it out of 5, when it crosses beyond 5, the thing "LOVE" borns !!

Just imagine yourself with the following instances where I believe it happens.
· If you could not able to have your morning cup of coffee without "TOI (Times of India)", it happens with TOI!!
· When your oldest pal calls you unexpectedly and when you both share your nostalgic childhood memories , it happens !!
If your kid calls you with your name for the first time, it happens !!
· When you happen to watch VTV (Vinnai Thandi Varuvaya), it happens with whom you miss a lot in your life!!
If you are travelling alone in a long time train journey and find someone new to chat with throughout, it happens !!
· If you are a die hard fan of dada who hits a huge "out of stadium" shot in an IPL match
· If you arrive from your work place or outside before "Saravanan Meenakshi" (a tele-serial)starts, it happens !!
· If you come to know "today is friday", it happens !!
If People wish you at sharp 12 on your day of birth and have cake cut with an useless gift, but still it happens !!
· If you are looking for a change to give to bus conductor, you find a candy wrapper on your wallet given by someone special long back, it happens !!
And this "happening" list goes on everyday in our everyone's lives. They might seem so trivial but comprise the vital strings of our life.
These are the things said to be your valentines and to be celebrated on a so said special occasion called "Valentine's Day!!". The day is actually not meant for a restrictive celebration with your "to be" or "being" life partners as most of us contemplate !! That wasn't the real intention behind this "Valentine's Day" induction by Saint Valentine. To be unfeigned, "Committed" status is not a criterion to celebrate this occasion..
Towards whoever or whatever your scale of craze goes beyond, it means you are in love with them!!
Whenever you feel like getting hurt on giving up something or someone, that also means you are in love with them.
Whenever you feel like missing someone or something, that also reveals the extent of love you have with them.
Never get too much complicated with this simplest tool to live.
Actually, I wrote this post before this valentine's day itself, but was lazy enough to post it!! Also, I am not having a belief in celebrating this occasion on a single day !!
Entire life itself a celebration of love. Never try to restrict it to a single day of it!! Love is not a predefined existence but you have to define it for yourself.
Love is something which paints your heart green and chills your soul !!
Just have a complete fun out of "Be Loving and Being Loved" to almost everything and everyone you find on your way.
This post is solely dedicated to all SINGLE SINGHAMS !!!
P.S : One of my feminine readers asked me like, "In all your posts, you are encircling the phrase "girl friend". Is that mean that your write ups are only towards the focus of men?"
My response follows.
Actually I am a writer of american style for whom the word "Guys" is common for both men and women.
In the same way, whenever I mention "Girl friend" in my posts, it means "women" for masculine readers and "men" for feminine readers !! Hope this answers your Query my dear reader!!