When I was speaking to my sister yesterday over phone, she was worrying about her children’s education in her place called Chidambaram which is a very small town with a smaller population in the eastern Tamil nadu which comprises nothing other than a traditional Nataraja Temple and an olden popular Annamalai University. This could give you a picture about the overall economy of the inhabited people there. My nephew is just seven years old and she is planning to move him to a new inductive school of international standard in her town which is about to be opened from this academic year. Since my nephew’s current central board school is running out of teachers and quality, his parents are cornered to get him in this new school for his quality education.
This new school has all world class facilities for the children like air conditioned class rooms, swimming pool, huge infrastructure, multi cuisine food and many add-ons better than those costly Bschools and along with these add-ons, education with so called “quality” is also said to be offered in this new school. I really don’t have any clue whether these facilities are considered to be standardized or the education being provided is standardized there. Where the quality lies here? In education or in the place where children are supposed to be educated? The tangle here is the fee structure declared by this school which is almost 40K bucks for my nephew to join just 2nd standard there.
I was stunned to get to know about this from her. If 40k for one year, minimum cost for a kid to finish 12 years of schooling is about 40*12 = 4.8L bucks excluding kinder garden and play school costs. OMG. And for your information, my calculation was based on this minimum cost for 2nd standard and the fee structure swells as the kid grows. The whole cost for my four years of engineering studies was just 2.25 L and I couldn’t even imagine this cost for just his schooling.
This case is not the case found just with this school in a smaller town. All private schools of today despite the board of education have inordinately raised their school fees beyond the extreme limit. No matter whether it is KV or a public school, fees keep moving beyond. In cities, parents are asked to pay a sum of 1 to 1.5L for the new admission of their kids in private schools.

What is the reason behind this sudden fee hike in Indian education system in the recent years? Why this schooling education has become the most legitimate business of today? Why tycoons are impending their business plans more towards schooling education? What is this international education actually? Does it really a deserved thing to be encouraged in the country like India? Do our kids need this trend?
All these queries are traversing on the minds of us these days and when you think of the reason behind all these happenings, it would end up in void solutions. But, yes there is solid reason rests with these business plans which is indeed hidden.
School education is ultimately the mandatory need considered by all the parents and hence there is zero probability of this business to end up arid or dry at any instance. This cue behind all these private schooling institutions is to provide so much costly education to children which in turn need not return back anything to the parents for their paid money other than the faith that their children are getting quality education. In fact, engineering and management institutions at least make their revenues from their brand establishment through ROI (Return On Investment) strategy called “Placement” which is not at all required for this schooling system. Can you make sense of it? Responsibility is shortened in schools. Just results of the schools matter for which they have multiple ideologies to advertise to maximise the strengths every year.
But if this trend keeps persisting, what would be the case of suffering parents who are being endured to purvey ample economy to provide this costly education to their children. Specially, a common man who’s monthly incomes falls under the scale of 10to 20k? The country is already severely down with exceeding cost of livelihood of these people in all means and this system is a newly added miserable entity to this fuss. The situation is still more pity in the cases of the people earning below 10k monthly to think of their children’s education.
Apart from government schools, almost all the central and ICSE schools have become competitively costly and poor people are the worst impactors due to this issue. Government schools are as usual completely skeptic in providing the quality education to their students and hence the parents end up in a mess. There are also moderate schools which also not wise enough to be opted by the parents since they lack in everything. Parents started dreaming about the future of their kids and hence are not left with any choices other than letting them to those costly schooling with international or whatever standards offered.
Do this standard is really required? Will this help to shape the future of children in any way? Never. Still many kids who are studying in a poorly ventilated government schools come up with better knowledge than these standardized kids. Why people start the discrimination in the budding phase of the generation itself? It really annoys me when I start contemplates on these happenings in our country.
If Indian education system goes in such a spoilt track, the entire generation would suffer in lacking the quality education. Talks are also going between experts towards the introduction of common education system all over the country so that the entire young generation would be educated with no discrimination at least in education. If the government really need the people of the country to imbibe commonality in all the systems available, what prevents them in introducing the common education system all over the country? Though it is quite hardest system possible to implement in India, at least a wakeup call needs to be given without any snoozing to facilitate the suffering parents who spend most of their earnings for their children’s education. If they need to spend this huge economy to their children’s education system itself, how could they look for other attributes of their livelihood?
Discrimination is the best found commonality among Indian people in all means but it needs to be tried to get eliminated from the education system at least. Thanks to the apex court for its recent verdict that there should be some reservation given to the admission for the kids from poor back ground in these pricy schools which can hold on the parents from a drastic stir towards the education system.
I rather say the entire education system of today itself needs a complete changeover which has to be based towards pragmatic focus than the existing one. This was best described in a recent Tamil flick called “Dhoni” which was indeed a best information conveyed to the educational society. I really like the theme of the movie which needs the system to focus more on the talents found in the kids rather forcing them to indulge in multiple focuses which make them tedious enough to learn what they really like.
Yes. Why a kid who is good in soccer needs to solve complex algebraic problems? Will these solutions help him anyway to score a corner kick? Why a kid good in painting needs to equalise the chemical mixture of sulphuric oxide and ammonium nitrate? He just needs a paint to draw. Does he really need to know what the paint actually composed of? Absolutely negative answers we get while thinking on these scenarios. Can you make sense out of these? But still our education system will pass out the kid from the school only if he or she is good enough in all tracks and not only in the interested track. I understand that the school is a place where the students need to get the basic knowledge of multiple fields which would help their future endeavours and our education system is framed based on the same ideology. But my question is why the kids are needed to get loaded with too much of stuffs from the field where he or she would never opt to go for? In spite, they could be moulded well in the interested track where they love to move on.
I agree that it is again not such an easy thing to be implemented in our system but researches need to be initiated to look on this strategy which would at least get some possibilities in the offing to nurture more talented kids in schools.
Anyways, a change in our education system is indeed a needed one at this time either to introduce the commonality in education or to induct new strategic implementation in the system. If it happens in India, many more glorious brains and minds of the budding generation would empower us with excellence in the global floor.
Attention those authentic people, please think over…!! It happens only in India's Paatashala and not anywhere else.