Election blizzard triggered in north Indian zone has grabbed the attention of everyone over here since this would be the greatest decision making criterion in the upcoming parliamentary battle between UPA and NDA. A BIG questionnaire grows on every one's minds whether UPA gonna sustain this rage or NDA would turn around? The fact would be unleashed in a couple of months. Between, a viral trend is widening on the election ground.
And yes, as we all expected, the South Indian epidemic election agenda has been brought into picture to this northern election season too. Meant as "FREEBIES" !!!
Kudos to Karuna in Tamil Nadu who is sarcastically named "Political Chanakya" with more than five decades of experimented wisdom in politics has the reverence of inducting this bull shitting trend in election manifesto. And with this "Freebies" mantra, he has won the 2006 local election. When he tried incorporating the same trend by adding much more freebies along with tellies, like rice,laptops,mixers, grinders and so on, failed to achieve the same this time. But unpleasantly, the opposition led by Jaya too cornered to disclose a manifesto which comprised freebies so as to conquer the region. Finally, the corruptive tag on DMK alliance dejected it completely out of the assembly track. But still, seemed like this freebies trend worked here anyways !
Now, in UP, Punjab and other states too, political parties are coming up with this freebie culture to promise people giving laptops, mobile phones and bla bla bla. Do these laptops and mobile phones are desperately needed to those thousands of homeless people shivering in winter temperatures and losing their lives?
It is deperately now visible with far better clarity that spending money in election contest by the parties is nothing but an investment which can be taken back in multiples after the contest over a period of five years. But, why the hell these parties coming up with these useless fantasies which would make people bit more indolent and zombie.
If you give everything they need, then they won't even attempt to give a try to work for their life. This idiotic idea would make the people of the country sluggish in all means.
It won't be an astonishing thing to happen, if any party would come up in giving an iPhone 4S to everyone in their manifesto who own Aadhar card in the upcoming Parliamentary election ;) No more wait needed for the next "Thanks Giving" in US !
Human resources may be the greatest hindrance to the development of India in all means but on the other hand if we vitally plan wise and introduce certain agenda which kick start employments here rather making them to sit idle, our motherland would be grateful with her human resources. Instaed of wasting the people's funds for these freebie stuffs, please retune them in creating sources of employments to the people over here which would also enhance your vote banks as you wish.
Both ruling and oppositions of this election season are in time to stop thinking on introducing new freebie trend to enhance the vote bank but to do the same with someother wise weapon of needs. This worse practice in election agendas would make the country worst than ever.
Its not only "The Dirty Picture" breaking the box offices but also these kinds of "Dirty Rajneethis" do the same !!!
Voters, Election commission and judiciaries should realise the wake up call and should completely ditch this contemporary viral election trend out of the country !!! Steps should be taken in no time else the nation would be cornered with very dangerous outcomes.
Awaiting it to happen asap ! Flee from this "Free" election culture ! Democracy is not a market to allow these political rhinos to do their business with price tags on the heads of voters !! We the VOTERS are suppose to rule the politicians and not YOU !!
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